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Business Development Centering on Post Offices

We provide simple and easy-to-understand products with smaller coverage amounts focused on endowment insurance and whole life insurance and various services through the nationwide network of post offices, and operate a unique business model that differs from that of competitors in Japan.

Sales / Service Channels Products Customers

※1 Retail Service Division is established as a branch organization of Japan Post Insurance located at a particular post office which the branch is in charge of.
※2 The number of customers is the sum of policyholders and insured persons (including individual insurance and individual annuities as well as Postal Life Insurance reinsured by us).

Japan Post Insurance by numbers

As of March 31 , 2023

Japan Post Insurance by numbers

Sales/Service Channels
Net income
Total assets
Insurance Claims/Annuities/Benefit Payments

※ Sum of “Insurance claims”, “Annuity payments” and “Benefits” paid during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023. Insurance claims include cancellation refunds, etc. at the Organization for Postal Savings, Postal Life Insurance and Post Office Network.

Sales/Service Channels

Through the nationwide network of post offices, Japan Post Insurance branches and Retail Service Division※1 offices, we provide our products and services to individual customers and corporate customers.

As of March 31 , 2023

Sales/Service Channels

※1 Retail Service Division is established as a branch organization of Japan Post Insurance located at a particular post office which the branch is in charge of.
※2 The numbers in () are the number of Contracted post offices in each area.

Individual customers (post office counters and Retail Service Division offices)

Post office counters provide simple and easy-to-understand products (with smaller coverage amounts and easy procedures) and services to visitors. Retail Service Division offices provide them by visiting individual homes.

Corporate customers (Japan Post Insurance branches)

Japan Post Insurance branches provide our company products and services to corporate customers by visiting companies, and also handle other life insurance companies' products for corporate customers.

Major products sold

Our products cover basic protection that pays death benefits, maturity benefits, and survival benefits with medical care protection (riders) for injuries and illnesses. We provide simple and easy-to-understand products (with easy procedures and smaller coverage amounts) and services, focusing on endowment insurance and whole life insurance, through the nationwide network of post offices.

Major products sold Major products sold 2

※1 Up to 120 days per hospitalization
※2 Up to 5 times per hospitalization

Extremely Large Customer Base

Our approximately 19.38 million customers is equivalent to roughly 15% of Japan’s population (as of April 1, 2023). ※1

Number of customers : 19.38 million

Number of policies in force(individual insurance) : 20.98 million policies Number of policies in force (individual annuities) : 1.92 million policies

※1 Source: Population Estimates (Statistics Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; total population as of April 1, 2023 (provisional estimates))
※2 The number of policies in force includes Postal Life Insurance reinsured by us.