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In accordance with all laws and regulations associated with protecting personal information, national government policies, Japan Post Insurance (“the Company”) shall handle shareholders’ personal information as provided below:

1. Purposes of use

The Company specifies the purposes of using shareholders’ personal information and uses this information solely for achieving these purposes.
The Company may use personal information for the following purposes.

To exercise rights and fulfill obligations under the Companies Act
To provide information on the Company’s business activities to those with the status as shareholders
To implement various measures to facilitate the relationship between shareholders and the Company
To manage shareholders by means such as creation of shareholders data in line with prescribed criteria under applicable laws and regulations

Specific personal information, that means personal information that includes the individual numbers, in particular, is to be used by the Company solely for purposes prescribed by laws. The Company may use specific personal information for the following purposes.

  • Administrative procedures related to preparation of payment records for its shareholders

2. Acquisition of personal information

The Company acquires personal information, within the scope necessary to attain the purposes listed above, using methods that are legal and proper.

3. Security measures for management of personal information

The Company implements appropriate security management measures to prevent leaks, losses or alterations of personal information it handles.
In addition, the Company properly supervises employees and outsourcing parties.

4. Provision of personal information to external parties

Except in cases where required by laws, the Company does not supply shareholders’ personal information to third parties without the prior consent of each individual.
In addition, the Company does not supply specific personal information to third parties except when required by laws.

5. Procedures for requesting disclosure of personal data

The Company responds in a sincere manner in cases where there are requests for the notification of the purposes of use or for the disclosure, correction or termination of use of personal data as prescribed by laws.

6. Continuous improvement

The Company constantly reviews and improves its management and handling methods for the protection of personal information in response to advances in information technology and shifts in social demands.